Email Marketing
June 11, 2024

9 Strategies to Increase Email Sign Ups and Conversions

Email subscribers are valuable potential leads, who with the right encouragement, could become customers. But convincing people to join your email list requires more than just a simple sign up form.

Many brands struggle with low sign up rates or end up with unqualified subscribers who aren’t genuinely interested in their products or services.

Today, we’re sharing our top strategies to increase your email subscriber count, and optimize your conversion rate.

How to increase email subscribers:

  1. Optimize your website
  2. Optimize your sign up forms
  3. Offer attractive incentives
  4. Show social proof
  5. Exit-intent pop-ups
  6. Content & more great content
  7. Social media
  8. Referral programs
  9. A/B test your strategies
  10. [Bonus] Tips to nurture your email subscribers into customers

9 methods to get more email sign ups

1. Optimize your website

To grow your email subscriber list effectively, it all starts with optimizing your website. Your website is often the first point of contact potential subscribers have with your brand. You can build a great first impression by making your website user-friendly, engaging, and informative.

A well-optimized website not only attracts more visitors but also encourages them to stay longer and explore more, increasing the chances they'll sign up for your emails.

2. Optimize your sign up forms

Your sign up form should be easy to find, and easy to fill out. Here are a few ways to make your form more user friendly:

A comparison of two newsletter sign-up forms, one with many fields (First Name, Last Name, Company, Email, Phone, Country) and another one with minimal fields (Name and Email).

3. Offer attractive incentives

Incentives are powerful motivators and people will exchange their email addresses for something valuable in return. Here are some popular incentives commonly used:

Tip: Make sure the value of the incentive is clear and easy to access after subscribing!

Screenshot of email sign-up pop up with a 15% discount incentive from Glossier.
Example email sign-up with incentive from Glossier.

4. Show social proof

People are more likely to subscribe if they see that others are doing it too. You can use social proof by:

Screenshot of an email sign-up form with a client testimonial.
Example email sign-up with social proof from Backlinko.

5. Exit-intent pop-ups

Exit-intent pop-ups appear when a visitor is about to leave your site. This is a prime opportunity to capture their attention one last time with an attractive offer. Make sure your exit pop-up is:

6. Content & more great content

High-quality content is key to building a loyal subscriber base. Implement these content strategies to get people subscribing and coming back for more:

Screenshot of an article on Marginalian with a side panel that has an email sign-up form.
Example email sign-up on an article page from Marginalian.

7. Social media

Social media platforms are great for promoting your email list. Here’s how:

8. Referral programs

Encourage your existing subscribers to refer friends and family by offering rewards for both the referrer and the referred. Referral programs can include:

Screenshot from the Uber app showing their refer a friend program.
Uber referral program.

9. A/B test your strategies

Continuous improvement is key to optimizing your sign up rates. Run A/B testing on various elements of your sign up forms and strategies, like:

Qualified vs. unqualified email subscribers

It's important to emphasize that a successful email marketing strategy isn’t just about the quantity of email addresses; it's about attracting the right subscribers, not just anyone.

Qualified subscribers are the ones who are genuinely interested in your brand, products, or services. They are more likely to engage with your content, respond to your offers, and ultimately, convert into loyal customers.

While it is unavoidable that unqualified subscribers might sneak in, prioritizing the acquisition of qualified subscribers will make your email marketing efforts much more effective.

Tips to nurture your email subscribers into customers

What’s next after growing your email list? It's time to turn those subscribers into loyal customers who engage with and contribute to your brand.

Here are some tips to convert your email subscribers into customers:

1. Engaging email sequences:

Design automated email sequences that deliver value, encourage engagement, and gently nudge subscribers towards conversion. From welcome emails to educational content and exclusive offers, keep the conversation useful and relevant.

2. Personalization and segmentation:

Divide your email list into segments based on subscriber preferences, buying patterns, or engagement levels. Tailor your messages and promotions to each segment, ensuring they resonate with the recipients and feel personalized.

3. Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs):

Guide subscribers along the conversion path with clear and compelling CTAs in your emails. Whether you're inviting them to explore your latest product or redeem an exclusive discount, make the next step irresistible and easy to take.

4. Interactive content:

Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or surveys into your emails to engage subscribers and gather valuable insights. Encourage participation and make the experience enjoyable and memorable.

Screenshot showing an interactive element from Temu's email marketing.
Interactive content in Temu's email marketing.


While growing your email list is an important first step, the real success lies in converting those subscribers into loyal customers.

By implementing these strategies, you can transform your email marketing strategy into a powerful tool for attracting, nurturing, and converting qualified leads into loyal customers. Remember, building relationships takes time and effort, but the payoff in terms of increased conversions and customer loyalty is worth it.

If you’re looking for guidance on how to optimize your email marketing strategy, book a free consultation with our CRO experts. Let's work together to refine your email marketing efforts and build stronger customer relationships.

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Alex Courselle, CRO Director at KARL Mission.
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